I was on sick leave since last Tuesday. I had a verrry high fever!! I was so sick and tot that i might have a Chikunguya. Heck. Luckily i was not and only had a very high fever. My joints are all weak and "down". I cant walk properly, i cant raise up my hand.. it was a terrible one. but im getting better now, just a running and blocked nose, and a slight fever at night. (now the fever only comes at night, weird).
Before i fell ill, i bought myself a blender for juices. This is my 1st attempt making a soya bean milk. Yummeh! Nothing is fresher and healthier than a self-made soya bean milk!!
How to?
1. Beli kacang soya (i bought it at Carrefour).
2. Rendam dlm air biasa for 1 night.
3. Bila dah lama direndam kulit dia akan mengelupas.
4. Buang selaput kulit dia yg megelupas ni .
5. Masukkan kacang tu dlm blender - blend (tambah air sikit).
6. Tuang isi kacang yang telah dimesin ni atas kain jarang (i used kain kasa).
7. Lepas tu ikat kain tu and perah out the milk.
8. Bila sudah habis semua kacang di mesin dan sudah diperah air nya masukan soya milk into a pot.
9. Kacau sentiasa.
10. Kalau nak manis tambah gula.