
>> Thursday, February 12

I have been away for almost a week to HOSPITAL! Yeah.. i was sick and was cut! He he i had a surgery to remove my appendix. I was discharged just yesterday. And i again will be away for 2 weeks to have a good rest and to ensure it's fully recovered. See you again soon.



>> Monday, February 2

I was on sick leave since last Tuesday. I had a verrry high fever!! I was so sick and tot that i might have a Chikunguya. Heck. Luckily i was not and only had a very high fever. My joints are all weak and "down". I cant walk properly, i cant raise up my hand.. it was a terrible one. but im getting better now, just a running and blocked nose, and a slight fever at night. (now the fever only comes at night, weird).

Before i fell ill, i bought myself a blender for juices. This is my 1st attempt making a soya bean milk. Yummeh! Nothing is fresher and healthier than a self-made soya bean milk!!

How to?

1. Beli kacang soya (i bought it at Carrefour).
2. Rendam dlm air biasa for 1 night.
3. Bila dah lama direndam kulit dia akan mengelupas.
4. Buang selaput kulit dia yg megelupas ni .
5. Masukkan kacang tu dlm blender - blend (tambah air sikit).
6. Tuang isi kacang yang telah dimesin ni atas kain jarang (i used kain kasa).
7. Lepas tu ikat kain tu and perah out the milk.
8. Bila sudah habis semua kacang di mesin dan sudah diperah air nya masukan soya milk into a pot.
9. Kacau sentiasa.
10. Kalau nak manis tambah gula.


Happy Birthday

>> Thursday, January 22

To me..


It was such a busy day for me. Today is the pay day! i got to rush to prepare, process and instruct the bank for the 3 companies under the Company. It was hectic, panic and finally phewwww relief! The moment i faxed the bank order i can fell the sensation, light and floating away. That's how it felt. The pressure and tense to meet the dateline are all gone.

Yup! It is a busy and tiring birthday. At 5pm Mr. Hubs sms-ed me "invited" me for dinner. A birthday dinner i presume. I left office quite early today because my colleague, T*ni wanted to collect her car from the workshop. I dropped her at the workshop and arrived at home around 6.40pm. Since i was too exhausted, we canceled the plan and schedule for tomorrow night. i don't know where to dine but i definitely have one in mind. Cruise de Tasik, Putrajaya. Unfortunately, u need to reserve the seat at least 3 days in advance. Ermmm perhaps a dinner at Fish & Co. (our all time fav) would do. And a movie at GSC Signature, The Gardens? Heaven! I am so into cinema-ing the Bride Wars but it will be showing from 29th instead. I have these 2 to choose from. Which one should i watch?

.: Australia? :.

.: Inkheart? :.

Opsss anyway i received this .. and this.. for my birthday. Thanks to Mr. Hubs, and I*a.



>> Wednesday, January 21

Where is the LOVE?


Sucker to the bits

>> Tuesday, January 20

It's a real sucks when you found out that someone close to you is a sucker! Talam dua kepala! I dont understand why people this kind is still alive. And people, get over it!!! Ni dah zaman millenium la uols. And what's more frustrated is that these people are educated people! Educated hokeh. Oh god, why am i surrounded with this sucker?

.:Ibarat ular berkepala dua:.


Buah hawa a.k.a buah zuriat

>> Friday, January 16

Mr. Hubs' aunt just came back from Mecca last weekend and bought buah hawa for us. She was distributing souvenirs to her siblings/nieces/nephews when suddenly handed to hubby a plastic bag contain of 2 oval shape thingy which i 1st confused what that is. It was hard, brownish and quite light. I was like, ok, what is this? When Su, Mr. Hubs' tok sedara said "kata nak baby". (I actually asked Mr. Hubs's aunt to pray for us to cepat-cepat dapat baby, instead she brought us this buah hehe). Then i was like, ouh ok. Then they explained that this buah hawa could "help" us to get baby. We 1st need to peel off the skin which is sooooo doesnt look like one. Sangat keras ok. She said better to boil it 1st to soften skin. (But it doesnt work. It does not soften at all. I have to scraped it.). Then grate the flesh (which again doesnt look like a flesh) and pour hot water and some honey to make it taste better.

I finally made the drinks yesterday after a week gotten it from Cik Jah. I tried to taste it raw, it taste like qurma. Sweet and yummy. I like it. Smells sweet too. After several research made thru the net, i now had a better picture about this buah hawa. From the net, i found that there are sooo many ways to prepare the drinks. Some boil it, some grate it but me just followed the instruction given by Cik Jah. Some people said it works and conceived after 2 months consume it, some took about 4 months and some does not conceive at all. To me, getting pregnant is one's rezeki. Not that i dont believe the "khasiat" of this buah hawa, but i always believe whatever happened to one's life datangnya dari Allah swt. Anyway, to me, this buah hawa or also know as buah zuriat is some sort like a "catalyst" to help you to get pregnant. What do you think?

.:Buah hawa or buah zuriat (can get them from Mecca or Madinah):.

.:The flesh is brownish dan bersabut:.


Receptionist cum office assistant WANTED SUPER URGENT

>> Thursday, January 15

Hye peeps.

really need your help on this. it's so damn hard to find a quality candidates nowadays. soooo heart broken. people complaints takde keja. but when hired, main-main pulak! haihhhh

Our company is looking for a receptionist with the below criteria:-

# English speaking (ours is international base company. byk call from outside malaysia. not la bombastic english, but at least can speak english is a huge advantage)
# berperwatakan menarik
# bumiputra is preferable
# SPM and above qualification

Salary : Lumayan for a receptionist position
Location : KLCC area
Working hours : 8.30-5.30pm (Mon- Fri)

PS: This is a 6 months contract position. And its RENEWABLE for another 2 years and of course depending on prestasi kerja. There's a possibility for a permanent position and again depending on your work!



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